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To Boldly Go:

For those of you who do not know me yet, my name is Daniel Nunes and I am a seminarian for our diocese studying for the priesthood. I have been assigned to Christ the King Parish for a pastoral year.

Fr. Healey thought it would be great for me to give a brief biography so here is the reader's digest version.  I am 33 years old and was born and raised in Swansea Ma.  From 2001 to 2010 I was a seminarian for the Diocese of Fall River, however, I was not ready to be ordained at the end of my studies.  I left to get some real world experience, and so for the last few years, I have been a Director of Religious Education, a phone service representative, a supervisor and a team lead. Through it all, however, there was an emptiness in my soul; something that was missing.

Last year, I contacted Fr. Kevin Cook our vocation director, and asked for a process of returning to the diocese and seeking priesthood once more.  Fr. Kevin in consultation with the bishop welcomed me back and asked Fr. Healey if he would be my mentor.

This pastoral year is not traditional as I have already finished my studies.  You could call it  more of a hands on internship.  I will be helping at daily and weekly Mass, with funerals and with other prayer services offered at the parish. You will see me at the myriad of parish functions and ministries, including St. Vincent de Paul, Knights of Columbus, Youth Ministry and Faith Formation to name a few.  I will also go to the sick and infirm of the parish, with visits to the homebound and the two hospitals on Cape Cod.

The title I chose for this article is from Star Trek and it truly encases my thoughts for this year.  I am a huge trekkie, and to quote Captain Benjamin Sisko from that same show;

"That may be the most important thing to understand about humans. It is the unknown that defines our existence.  We are constantly searching, not just for answers to our questions but for new questions.  We explore our lives day by day, and we explore the galaxy trying to expand the boundaries of our knowledge.  And that is why I am here... to coexist and learn."  

This year is an unknown for all of us, but with your help, I hope to learn more about myself and all of you.  I hope to aid you on your journeys of faith and for you, in turn, to aid me as I grow in love for Jesus Christ and His Church.  My journey with all of you this year is to prepare me, God willing, for ordination in the near future; first to diaconate and then priesthood.

Christ the King parish and all of you are in my daily prayers and I ask all of you to pray for me; that this year will aid me in my education and preparation, and that I will be ordained a priest.  May God continue to bless all of you and thank you for all that you do to continue the Ministry of Christ in this parish.

Daniel Nunes
