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Plow Straight

In yesterday's Gospel Jesus answered one of his disciples by saying, “No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the Kingdom of God.”  Good advice to be sure.  

Anyone who plows a field, as I did in my youth on my grandfather’s farm, knows that when you look behind to see where you’ve been, the furrow goes crooked.  Eyes off the road, so to speak, and a crash is likely.  Note to cell phone users and texters: keep your eyes on the road!

So, we all need to keep a straight path with a focus on God and love.   Looking back to see what was left behind is to focus on the past and perhaps on regrets.   It moves us off the straight path that is the quickest way to get to our destination: the Kingdom of God made known to us through love and forgiveness we provide along the way.

Deacon David Pierce
