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Beautiful Feet

In today’s reading from Romans (10:9-18) we hear: “…How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!  But not everyone has heeded the good news…”  This reminds us of the expression: “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” [or, see photo]. 

St. Paul is not talking about pedicures and pretty toes shaped, polished, and painted.    He’s referring to the dusty and dirty feet of those hard workers who speak of Jesus: his life, teachings, and fate.  These are the “beautiful feet” of which he speaks.  

We’re in Advent, and we wait for the good news in the person of Jesus we celebrate at Christmas and then follow throughout the year.    If we harken to his news, as Paul says, “Our voices will go forth to all the earth, and our words to the end of the world.”   Throughout this special season let’s make the effort to at least have our voices go forth in our homes and communities.  We know a lot of “horses.”  Perhaps they will drink [or think].

Deacon David Pierce
