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Mothers And Brothers

The word “brotherhood” can mean “an association, society, or community of people linked by a common interest, religion, or trade.”  Today’s very brief Gospel reflects that meaning. 

Jesus had a mission, and he wanted followers.    That need was met because of what he taught and who he was.  He was about God’s kingdom and how to bring it to earth.

In Luke 8:19-21 we read: “The mother of Jesus and his brothers came to him but were unable to join him because of the crowd.  He was told, "Your mother and your brothers are standing outside and they wish to see you." He said to them in reply, "My mother and my brothers
are those who hear the word of God and act on it."

But what about “motherhood?”  Mothers give unbridled love.  They nourish and give life through the birth of children held in their wombs for nine months.   We nourish and give life to those around us when we “hear the word of God and act on it” – when we love.

Deacon David Pierce
