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Called to Serve

The last line of today's Gospel (Wednesday) from Matthew, "Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many," can be a lesson for us all.  We are all called to serve the Lord in some way.

In serving the Lord, we often think of vocations - to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, marriage, single life, etc.  As a seminarian, I cannot stress the importance of promoting and supporting vocations to the priesthood.  The encouragement and prayers of others is what helps us in hearing God's call.

Perhaps on a smaller level today, we can look at how we can serve the Lord more this Lent (and beyond!).  We have a number of fantastic ministries for all ages in our parish.  Perhaps you might pray and consider joining one!  Like to read?  Become a lector!  Like to sing?  Join the choir!  How about feeding the hungry or clothing the naked?  Our St. Vincent de Paul Society always needs more volunteers!  Perhaps you'd like to grow in faith within the company of others - join Walking With Purpose, the Catholic Women's Club, 50+ Club, the Knights of Columbus, What's Missing…the list goes on!  Click here for a number of ways to get involved!

If becoming active in the parish isn't possible for you because of distance, work, etc., then let us find a way today to serve the Lord AND our brothers and sisters…by praying for someone that we are struggling with or who needs our prayers, donating time and talent to help others…whatever it may be!  Let us heed God's call to serve the Lord and others through the gift of our very own lives.

Chris Hughes
