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A Time for Everything

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I was reading the book of Ecclesiastes and felt the urge to write a little bit about it. We do understand that there is a time for everything, however, as we get older, there doesn't seem to be enough time for anything and we become overwhelmed.  Life is moving too fast.  We go from one activity to another to the point that even our minds don't rest.

Ecclesiastes offers an understanding of time that can help us to slow down and be more present to what is important, for instance, celebrating birthdays, visiting someone in the hospital or shut-in, having dinner together, even going to church with our families. These are truly important events in our lives, and it is during these events we might become aware that God uses these opportunities to pour His grace on us. Moments like these need our full attention to fully appreciate them. Doing them in a hurry, as if they were interrupting our schedules means we're missing the point of life and God's prence in it.

We need to remember, God who invented time, invented a lot of it.  When we are overwhelmed we need to take a deep breath, say a prayer to the Holy Spirit, relax and enjoy the present moment.

Deacon Robert Lemay
