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Francis In The Flesh

While attending my business in meeting in Rome at the beginning of Lent, I learned that Pope Francis was to celebrate Mass at St. Sabina, a nearby church just a short walk up a hill overlooking the Tiber River.  With sneakers on I raced to the Church one-hour beforehand to be turned away by the Italian Policia guarding the road leading to St. Sabina.

Not easily deterred - after all this was a one-time, lucky chance - I pretended to be one of the locals and wormed my way up a side road and through a barricade to find myself opposite the church door and just two rows back from the street.  Sweet success!

Being jostled by little Italian grandmothers for the poll position, I held my ground until the tide of bodies began to push me back.  Just then the motorcycles rushed by, and the Pope's car flashed by.   Holding my camera above my head, I took a picture hoping to capture Pope Francis.   Result: the hood of his car.  Still, I saw him in the backseat where he smiled and waved to the crowd.  

So, Pope Francis was just 16 feet away from me and in the flesh.  Well, not quite.  He was in the car and for about half-a-second before he was whisked away to another door up the street.  Nevertheless, I was there, and I watched and heard him for a while on a large TV screen set up opposite from me in the Church yard.

Later on I discovered that Pope Francis was celebrating Mass at a different Church every day throughout Lent.  For me, I was at the right place at the right time.

Deacon David Pierce
