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What's Missing ?

One of the programs offered here at Christ the King Parish is "What's Missing ?"

"What's Missing ?" is a information and discussion group to better help us to understand our faith. It was originally geared for people who had received the Sacrament of Confirmation and thought they had graduated and therefore, no need to further their education regarding their faith or their religion. We have found it is not just for the "graduated", it is a program that is beneficial to all, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey.

There are so many people who have been misinformed or have a need to understand some of the areas faith and religion which may be confusing. Of course God is mystery, and not all questions have an answer, however, the idea is to explore that area between black and white, to find the spiritual rainbow who is our Lord Jesus Christ.

If it sounds like "What's Missing?" may be for you feel free to contact me at

Deacon Robert Lemay
