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Testing - Deacon Brendan Brides

I remember my last day in school. How happy I was at the thought of never having to take another exam or test, ever again!. Ha! Yeah right, what little I knew then. For many of us our paths through life are paved with test taking whether it be for our career, our vocation or just our hobbies. Even now, in the Autumn of my working career, I still find myself in the throes of test taking.

Just as our knowledge is tested throughout life, so too is our commitment to the Gospel that Jesus preached. We are tested in this subject every day. This is an easier test however since we have all the answers already given to us by Jesus. Also, it’s open book (we can refer to the bible) and most importantly, it's multiple choice. For example:

Complete this sentence,

Whatever you do for the least of these you do for

 a) yourself,

 b) nobody,

 c) Jesus,

 d) none of the above

The problem with this form of testing is that we don't get our final grade until we die.

Good-luck in your test.
