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Wrecking Balls

Brothers and sisters: You are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone. Through him the whole structure is held together and grows into a temple sacred in the Lord; in him you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. (Ephesians 2:19-22)

We are the stones or bricks that make up a dwelling place for God.  That’s quite a responsibility. Jesus is our capstone.  The capstone is the actual stone placed at the top of a wall or building, marking the successful completion of the structure. It is a significant and celebrated piece of architecture, considered to be the most important of an entire construction project. We support that capstone, known as Jesus, and we celebrate his existence in and through our lives.

Too many of us stones have fallen away.  Many of us have left the Church for a variety of reasons.  For example, one category of those fallen away are young people who have called into question everything they were taught as children.  Without these young stones to continue construction, a capstone cannot be placed.  Eventually, the Church risks running out of stones and no structure can be held together.

Even high and well-built structures can be toppled with wrecking balls.  Our Church continues to be assaulted with wrecking balls of division and politically inspired dissension. A house divided against itself cannot not stand.  Our recently begun Synod will reveal how many stones are cracked or have fallen.  There is time to repair.  We need mortar of love, understanding, and forgiveness.

Deacon David Pierce   
