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The Pastor's Pen

 August 7, 2022, Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Feast of the Assumption: On Monday, August 15th, the Church celebrates Mary’s assumption, body, and soul, into heaven after “falling asleep” and so traditionally this feast has also been known as The Dormition of Mary. Not insignificantly It is the patronal feast of the Diocese of Fall River and thus the title of our Cathedral Church. It is a feast on which all the faithful of the Diocese are especially encouraged to pray for the local church of which we are all a part, in particular, our bishop, clergy, religious, and all our fellow believers. We especially ask the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary that we might be a church that is dedicated to bearing witness to Christ by living his gospel so that we will continue to be both active and effective in doing so. Certainly, the Diocese of Fall River faces some challenges as it seeks to fulfill its mission in this time and place and so needs our prayerful support. The Diocese encompasses a region in which great demographic changes, especially in the former mill cities of Fall River and New Bedford, have largely emptied many churches which were built to serve various ethnic populations who now no longer live there Thus, parishes in these cities will have to be consolidated and some of the church buildings closed. . Such changes are always painful so let us pray that we will all have a deeper sense of church such that it is communities of faith rather than buildings that we cherish, and that all of us will accept our role in sharing the faith and building up the body of Christ in this portion of the Lord’s vineyard. Masses on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be held at 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM, on Monday, August 15t, and although the obligation to be present at Mass is lifted this year because of the proximity of the Solemnity to Sunday, it is never the less a holy day, our patronal feast day, and so a day when we are strongly encouraged to join with other members of the faithful to celebrate Mary under this special title, and to pray for our Diocese and as ever, a world very much in turmoil and in need of the maternal intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Assumption!

Cross Catholic Outreach: On next weekend, a priest representing Cross Catholic Outreach will be present to speak at all the Masses about the organization’s outreach to many in need across the globe. This is yet another effort organized by the Church to fulfill its mission in Christ to be good news to the poor. Surely we will be inspired by the testimony to be given concerning the good works being accomplished out of Christian compassion and charity and welcome this good news about the Church which we seldom hear in the media.

Who Will Benefit From our Super Summer Raffle? The organizations and ministries of our parish, including Catholic Women’s Club, The Knights of Columbus, the 50+ Club, Walking with Purpose, The Celebrate Life Ministry, and Matthew 25, a fund that enables us to sponsor a weekly Food Pantry and to provide assistance with basic necessities for those in need seek our help. Those who take a chance for $20, or 3 for $50 and whose tickets are drawn at noon on Sunday, October 9th, will also benefit from receiving either the $5000 grand prize, the $2500 Second prize, or the $1000 Third Prize as well as 11 other prizes totaling $2500 ! So please help our parish organizations and ministries, and God willing, and a little luck besides, perhaps yourself too! Tickets have been mailed to all registered households and are available at the entrances of the church following the Masses. (You do not need to be present to win! )
