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This cartoon indicates that artificial intelligence (AI) will stifle if not erase creativity.  I can see how.  For example, I could use AI to write my homilies for me.  It could write my blog entries.  Now that is startling and, frankly, quite terrifying.  It is plagiarism and extreme laziness.  It is also deception.  It is lying.

Students using AI are noncreative and all of the above.  I suspect using AI to write term papers or college entrance essays will confound teachers and admission personnel.  It will give unfair advantage to those with the know-how to use AI tools.  It will disadvantage those who are honest and write their own works.

God is about creation.  AI subverts and perverts the human mind with regards to creativity.  It's a dumbing down. Calling AI anti-God is a real over-reach for sure, but I admit there are many good reasons to call it that.

Deacon David Pierce
