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Eyes Not On The Ball

Our lives tend to be complicated with many news outlets competing for our attention.  We all have our favorites with each promoting propaganda of some form.  For this reason we must be wise and decisive.  

Churches are guilty as well.  Our eyes and attention tend to be diverted from what is most important when our focus is repeatedly switched from one topic to another, and the "big picture" is avoided intentionally or not.  For example, consider the Bible.

Brian McLaren in his outstanding book, "Life After Doom: Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart" (2024) provides the following perspective.

(begin) "When the 'civilized' people of the Roman Empire encountered the Bible in the early centuries of Christianity, it attracted them in some ways and it terrified them in others.  They domesticated and co-opted it by reinterpreting it in light of their own colonial assumptions.  Then they taught their misunderstanding to everyone as dogma.  They threatened with death, banishment or damnation those who didn't comply with their interpretations, just as colonizing civilizations typically do.

If we take off the interpretive glasses we were given by colonizers, we begin to see what the actual indigenous Bible has been saying all along, that trying to live like gods leads to doom. Living by the love of money and the love of weapons leads to doom. Living by taking more than you give leads to doom. Living without care for the Earth and the vulnerable leads to doom. Living by the ethic of dominating civilization leads to doom.

Again and again, the Bible shows itself to be the work of indigenous and oppressed people resisting exploitive civilization.  When they capitulate to civilization's values and strategies, things do not turn out well, again and again.

I wish this weren't true, but the Bible also shows that again and again, dominating civilization wins.  Money, power, corruption, and exploitation win. Doom wins.  This sad trajectory even occurs in the religion that takes shape in Jesus' name." (end)

McLaren provides much detail to justify his claims.  He is compelling.  I now ask, "Where is our Church focusing our attention in 2024?"  On the danger of money, power, and corruption to our faith and our relationship to Jesus, our Christ?  On pro-life issues across the board including the protection of young and old from exploitation and death?  On the danger of using Christianity as a political weapon for control and power?  On countering lies and hypocrisy as demanded by Jesus?  It is not apparent to me.

Instead, we seemingly focus only on the Eucharist that is an extremely important topic provided we don't forget the Eucharist makes us the Body of Christ with very important responsibilities such as resisting Caesars who wish to Lord over us.  What is the nature of my concern?

(begin) The National Eucharistic Congress is scheduled for July 17-21: MAKING HISTORY The First National Eucharistic Congress in 83 Years – This is a pivotal moment in both American history and the legacy of the Catholic Church. We are expecting tens of thousands of pilgrims—but space is limited. Jesus Christ will be there. Will you?

The announcement reads: A Catholic Experience Unlike Any Other: At the 10th National Eucharistic Congress, our Catholic family will gather to experience profound, personal renewal through the power of Christ’s love. Like a new Pentecost, this transformation will flow out from Indianapolis to bring revival in our communities as the Church returns to her first love—the source and summit of our faith.

Every day at the Congress is designed to facilitate this life-changing encounter with Jesus, regardless of where you are on your faith journey. Attendees will select their preferred series of impact sessions for the morning and breakout sessions for the afternoon. Then, gathered together as one, the whole assembly will experience the powerful revival sessions in Lucas Oil Stadium each evening.

The 4-day Congress will end with a great commissioning, sending us back to our communities across the country with renewed passion for Christ and filled with grace to share. Like a new Pentecost, we will be sent out to joyfully proclaim the Gospel in every corner of our nation. (end)

I hope and pray the Congress will somehow connect the Eucharist to our need to confront money, power, and politics that use our religious fervor as weapons to support Caesars and anti-democratic and anti-Christ forces.  I fear not.

By the way, all should know by now my feeling about the Shroud of Turin.  Wouldn’t you know it would have a front-and-center display at this Congress.  Why the display?

(begin) Worldwide interest in the Shroud of Turin has never been greater. The National Shroud of Turin Exhibit Founding Board is looking for partners — individuals, corporations, and institutions — to offer financial, legal, and business expertise to help launch the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit. This permanent display — ideally located within blocks of the White House — will utilize state-of-the-art immersive technology to engage visitors about the mysteries of the Shroud of Turin. Only the Lord knows the impact this unique exhibit will have on Washington, D.C., and the world. (end)

Note the intent to locate the display next to the White House and "Only the Lord knows the impact this unique exhibit will have on Washington, D.C., and the world."  The motivation seems obvious: to promote Jesus and Christianity above other faiths.  That is wrong, and frankly, anti-Christ in my view, especially because the Shroud is an extremely clever medieval fake.  I know this conclusion is contentious.  But I stick by it. 

For those who believe the Shroud is the crucified Jesus image, click on "learn more about the exhibit" at the Congress official website.

Deacon David Pierce
