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Fall From Grace

The word of the LORD came to me: Son of man, make known to Jerusalem her abominations. Thus says the Lord GOD to Jerusalem: By origin and birth you are of the land of Canaan; your father was an Amorite and your mother a Hittite. As for your birth, the day you were born your navel cord was not cut; you were neither washed with water nor anointed, nor were you rubbed with salt, nor swathed in swaddling clothes. No one looked on you with pity or compassion to do any of these things for you. Rather, you were thrown out on the ground as something loathsome, the day you were born.

Then I passed by and saw you weltering in your blood. I said to you: Live in your blood and grow like a plant in the field. You grew and developed, you came to the age of puberty; your breasts were formed, your hair had grown, but you were still stark naked. Again I passed by you and saw that you were now old enough for love. So I spread the corner of my cloak over you to cover your nakedness; I swore an oath to you and entered into a covenant with you; you became mine, says the Lord GOD. Then I bathed you with water, washed away your blood, and anointed you with oil.

I clothed you with an embroidered gown, put sandals of fine leather on your feet; I gave you a fine linen sash and silk robes to wear. I adorned you with jewelry: I put bracelets on your arms, a necklace about your neck, a ring in your nose, pendants in your ears, and a glorious diadem upon your head. Thus you were adorned with gold and silver; your garments were of fine linen, silk, and embroidered cloth. Fine flour, honey, and oil were your food. You were exceedingly beautiful, with the dignity of a queen. You were renowned among the nations for your beauty, perfect as it was, because of my splendor which I had bestowed on you, says the Lord GOD.

But you were captivated by your own beauty, you used your renown to make yourself a harlot, and you lavished your harlotry on every passer-by, whose own you became.

Yet I will remember the covenant I made with you when you were a girl, and I will set up an everlasting covenant with you, that you may remember and be covered with confusion, and that you may be utterly silenced for shame when I pardon you for all you have done, says the Lord GOD. (Ezekiel 16:1-15, 60, 63)

This stands out: “But you were captivated by your own beauty, you used your renown to make yourself a harlot, and you lavished your harlotry on every passer-by, whose own you became.”  Ungrateful Jerusalem said Ezekiel comparing that city to a young woman who through pride and being ungrateful took a hard fall from grace.  

Pride comes before a fall.  I’ve read: “This expression comes from The Book of Proverbs in the Bible. It is sometimes quoted as pride goeth before the fall. The original quote from the King James Bible is Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Some theologians interpret this to mean that a proud person will be condemned to hell.” Sounds like Jerusalem went to hell during Ezekiel’s time.

It seems that Jerusalem today is heading towards “hell” due to war and internal conflicts.  Clearly the people of Gaza find themselves there due to Israel’s aggressive retaliation for the Hamas surprise attack.  According to one report: “Palestinian health authorities say Israel's ground and air campaign in Gaza has killed more than 38,000 people, mostly civilians, and driven most of the enclave's 2.3 million people from their homes. The war began on Oct. 7 when Hamas militants stormed across the border into Israeli communities. Israel says the militants killed more than 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and dragged 253 into captivity in Gaza.”

We assume the Lord will remember the covenant the Lord made with Israel when the Lord said: “You were a girl, and I will set up an everlasting covenant with you, that you may remember and be covered with confusion, and that you may be utterly silenced for shame when I pardon you for all you have done.”  There is much for which to be shameful and for which to be pardoned for what Israel has done to thousands of innocents.

Deacon David Pierce
