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Very Very Old


I’m a Daddy-Saurus.  However, the good times are now.  Cell phones and the internet have widened our horizons and have made us far better informed.  We can research anything.  For example, the Eucharistic Congress was open to us all through the internet.  Christ the King goings-on are immediately viewed. All sorts of articles and announcements are available with a few clicks of the keys.

Of course the internet and cell phone have added to our daily stress because information-overload and propaganda laced with lies and misleading information can beat us down and confuse us.  AI has the potential to fool us and cause us to never be sure of what is true.  Demons roam the net looking for willing victims and dupes.  

Therefore, it can be argued that the “good times” were many years ago, but I don’t believe that to be the case.  Now is the best of times, although I wish I was a lot younger to enjoy what is to come, UNLESS, a Matrix-like fate (unsettling movie, but one of my favorites) is in store for the world. We humans must clean up our acts, else we share the fate of dinosaurs.

So, I will be optimistic that our and other faiths will guide us towards and keep us on paths of peace, cooperation, and protection of our planet Earth. That will happen if critical thinking and actions overcome our fears and hatemongering that divide and demean us.  God knows we have that in abundance.

Deacon David Pierce
