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The Future

Thirty years ago had someone told me:  thirty years from now you'll be an ordained deacon in the Catholic Church, you'll be married (and ordained) and serving at a parish called Christ The King in the town of Mashpee, you'll live in a town that has the same name as two slices of bread with edible stuff in-between (Sandwich), you'll be writing on a blog which can be accessed through the World Wide Web on a computer which looks like a small television screen and it can be accessed from almost any corner of the world at any hour of the day or night I probably would have said: Yeah, that sounds about right! ..... or maybe not.

The future is quite fascinating as it evolves into the present even in a single life time. What I find even more fascinating is the fact that the Catholic Church has seen so many futures become the present and then the past in so many life times and still two thousand years after the birth of Christ the faith is alive and well. These are exciting times in the Catholic Church. We have passed through a dark, rough and challenging period and we certainly didn't come out totally unscathed but moving on from here, what future excitement (or surprises) has the faith in store for you?

Deacon Brendan Brides
