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Homily for the Fifth Tuesday of Lent

 A little over a week from now we will be in the Triduum when we celebrate, over three days, the life, death and Resurrection of the Lord.  In both readings today, from Numbers and from John, we have an image or a hint of the cross - the Crucifixion - and the healing remedy that it brings.

In Numbers we hear about the Jews in the desert and having inflictions put upon them.  Moses is told to put a serpent on a pole and to lift it up; that when people look upon the serpent they will be healed of the diseases that they have.  In John's Gospel there is a rather convoluted discussion about who I AM.  Jesus says that when the Son of Man is lifted up, then people will realize who He is.

St. Ignatius, in his Spiritual Exercises, says that the retreatant should look upon the Cross, just as the Jews did and as Jesus alludes to; we should look upon the Cross and ask three questions:
What have I done for you?  What am I doing for you? And what are You asking me to do?

What have I done, what am I doing and what should I do are questions you and I can ask ourselves as we approach the Sacred Triduum.

Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye
