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Thanks to one of our teens, I now have The Liturgy of the Hours (Breviary) app on my I Phone.  No need to make sure I have the right volume with me (There are four).  I know some priests have the parts of the Mass on their tablets and use that in celebrating Mass.  Don't think I will go that far!  But is is amazing to think how accessible the prayer of the church is.  Centuries ago, the hours were only available to monks.  Then came the printing press, making it available to all who could read.  Now there is an apt that allows one to pray any time and any place.  Amazing.  There is a terrific web site called Sacred Space. It is written by Irish Jesuits and helps lead you through daily prayer focusing on the gospel of the day.  It is heavily influenced by the Ignatian method of prayer.  Try it out!

Msgr. Daniel Hoye
