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How do we need to listen to Christ today? ~ Msgr. Daniel Hoye

The story of the Transfiguration, the feast that we celebrate today, is found in all three of the so-called “synoptic” Gospels – Matthew, Mark, and Luke.  The story is generally placed after the profession of faith by Peter and right before the first prediction of the Passion.

Perhaps we can pray the scripture by imagining what the voice said to the disciples is being said to us this day.  “This is my beloved Son; listen to Him.”  How do we need to listen to Christ today?  Not only with our ears, but with our hearts.  What is it that He is urging us to do?  What changes are we to make in our life?  How we are to uphold the practices that we have in spiritual exercises, and maybe even to improve them.

“This is my beloved Son; listen to Him.”
