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Seventeenth Saturday ~ Deacon Brendan Brides

In both of today's readings we see what is rationally and morally right being cast aside so that greed and self-centeredness could prevail. We see this both in the treatment of John the Baptist who was put to death simply to satisfy the whims of Herodias' daughter and we see it in the treatment of Jeremiah  by the politicians who wanted him dead because of his prophesy against the city.

In today's world we see a similar infiltration of those who wish to change our religious beliefs on what we know is morally and ethically right. We see this attempt at skewing our moral beliefs whether it be the rejection of our belief that the unborn child has a right to a God given life, to the refusal to accept the children from South America who are here with nothing - in many cases not even a parent.

As true followers of Christ we are called to make morally correct decisions, we are called to put self-centeredness and politics aside - we are called to do what is right. Jesus makes it quite clear that on the last day the sheep will be separated from the goats. How we are perceived in the next life will be determined by our decisions in this life.
