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Archangels ~ Msgr. Daniel Hoye

Readings for todays Homily

Today we pause to celebrate the Feast of Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael – three Archangels.  Angels are always seen as messengers of God, somehow God’s presence is being experienced by others.

Michael, the one whose name means, “who is like God?” - reminds us of what is good and evil and expelling the bad angels from Heaven.  Gabriel, the one who is the messenger who protects; who told Mary that she would be the mother of the Savior.  Raphael, the one who heals, is the one who brings sight to Tobit.

As we mark their feast day today, perhaps we can be open to how God is trying to communicate with us.  How God is trying to help us in our difficulties, in our blindness, in our inability perhaps to overcome evil in our own lives.  May the Angels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael intercede for us.
