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How Do We Find Ourselves or Who Am I?

Not too long ago Pope Francis wrote his apostolic exhortation "Evangelii Gaudium" or " The Joy of the Gospel".  I found this document very interesting and encouraging for me and those who are of our faith.  but not only of our faith, but for all peoples of the world.  I would recommend this document as required reading for todays catholic.

I will parrot the first entry to his statement to the world. "The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus, those who accept His offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness.  With Christ joy is constantly born anew.  In this exhortation I wish to encourage the christian faithful to em bark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the church's journey in years to come."

Another quote from Pope Francis in this document is,"God never tires of  forgiving; we are the ones who tire of seeking His mercy."With this document as a background and this past Sunday's readings, How would you respond to someone who came to you with a spiritual hunger, someone who has been neglect in his or her faith and is at a loss as of what to do?  As for me I would have them read Isaiah 55.  Then we would talk about the part, Seek the Lord while He may be found.  Call Him while he is near.  Turn to the Lord for mercy, to our God who is generous in forgiving.  For my thoughts are not your thoughts nor are your ways my ways."  I would then ask what this might mean to him, after that I would say to him, "Guess what?" The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, He is also near to even those who do not call upon him wether they like it or not.  Think of it this way,  just because you think you have no relationship with God doesn't make you less than anyone else.  You may be judging yourself too harshly.

For instance in the parable of the laborers Jesus describes the kingdom of heaven is like a land owner who goes out looking for laborers and he finds them at all hours of the day.  Then when it is time to get paid he tells the paymaster to starts paying the ones who came is last first and to pay the ones who worked all day last.  They all receive the same wage.  O.K.  This does seem unfair to us, but jesus is talking about the kingdom of heaven.

This is a parable of God's love and mercy  His generosity and the abundance of the kingdom.  Therefore everyone can get a full day;s pay because the pay is not earned but awarded and God can be as generous as he wants and to whom He wants.  THIS IS YOU AND ME.  We need to understand, WE ARE ALL SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF GOD.  WE ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST.  WE ARE IN HIM AND HE IS IN US. In fact WE ARE HEIRS OF THE KINGDOM.
Now you know who you are and you know where to look for Him.  do you believe that?
If you do great!!  If not I suggest you read "The Joy of the Gospel" then crack open your bible.

Deacon R.D. Lemay
