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Lady of Sorrows ~ Msgr. Daniel Hoye

“At the cross her station keeping, stood the mournful Mother weeping, faithful to her son to the end.”

That hymn, known in Latin as the Stabat Mater, is often sung at the Stations of the Cross – between each station.  It calls attention to the Memorial that we have today, Our Lady of Sorrows.  I was always glad that I was never stationed in a church called Our Lady of Sorrows!  Can you imagine answering the phone, “Sorrows?”

On a serious note, you may have watched an interview with the mother of the journalist, James Foley, who was slain.  I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but on the shelf behind her was a small statue of Pietà – Mary holding her slain Son.  I thought it is an image that we can use; that Mary is one who can identify with us in our time of sorrow, in our time of pain, as the seven swords pierced her heart over her lifetime.

May we listen to Jesus saying to the disciple whom Jesus loves, that represents us, “Behold, your mother.  Mother, behold your son.”  There is a special relationship that we have with Mary, and we honor her this day.
