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Go and Do Like Christ ~ Msgr. Daniel Hoye

Readings for Todays Homily

Yesterday I was watching a news program, multitasking reading the paper as well, so I’m not sure if I saw what I thought I saw about. There was a story about Ebola in Nigeria, and they were talking about disposing of the bodies.  There was this man that was wrapped up in a blanket on the side of the road, and two workers lifted him up; they were going to take the body to the crematorium.  But, the man started to move his fingers, so he was alive!  All they did was put the body back down on the side of the road.

When I read the Gospel for today, it’s kind of a modern day version of the Good Samaritan, or perhaps the priest of Levite who just passed by.  It was only the Good Samaritan that cared for her.  I’m not judging the people that left the people on the side of the road, their job is to get rid of the dead, not help the living.  But nonetheless, maybe you and I don’t have drama of that scene or the scene in the Gospel reading, but we do hear the Gospel today to go and do like Christ.  Maybe today we can be attentive to, sensitive to one who is in need of our help, and we might reach out and tend him or her.
