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Social Media and CTK

The other day an elderly woman was talking to a young priest about getting an I Phone.  She expressed some concern about getting familiar with the phone.  The young priest pointed to me and said, "Look, if Monsignor Hoye can use it, anyone can".  That is not exactly a complement but it is true. I am not much of a techie.  It is ironic, therefore, that I am the pastor of a very techie parish which has embraced social media.  We have a wonderful website that receives between 15,000 and 16,000 hits a month.  This blog has received over 18,000 hits in the few months that it has been operating. Recently we have introduced live streaming of our sanctuary.  Folks can watch masses and other services in real time and one Sunday Mass is recorded for future use.  Our Faith Formation program uses Flocknotes to keep people informed about things going on in the program.  In part, all of this is due to the encouragement of our Pastoral Council.  Several years ago, they advised me to move in this direction and they were understanding about taking an incremental approach.  We are meeting next week and I trust they will be pleased with what has been accomplished thus far.

Monsignor Daniel F. Hoye
