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God, Mammon and a Talking Dog ~ Deacon Brendan Brides

A lady was driving through the countryside one day when she saw a sign outside a farm that said "talking dog for sale." She decided she would check it out. She went in, met the farmer and enquired about the dog. The farmer informed her that the dog was "out back." The lady went around the house where she saw a very elegant German Shepherd just lying there. She approached the dog and reluctantly said "can you talk." The dog propped himself up and responded: ”Yep, sure can.”Immediately the woman asked the dog to explain his whole life to her. In response, the dog described how he had worked for the CIA for years… sitting at the feet of diplomats all over the world and taking in and relaying all the top secret information he could back to Langley. 
The woman was amazed, she asked the farmer how much he wanted for the dog."Ten dollars"said the farmer. "Wow, why so cheap for such an amazing dog? asked the lady. The farmer turned to her and said; "because the dog is a liar, he's never done any of that stuff."

The farmer missed the point. He failed to see what was truly valuable. In today's gospel Jesus is advising us to keep our focus on what is truly valuable. 

Money is such an important part of life, life on this earth that is. But just as our life on this earth is temporary, so is money and its apparent worth. We are all called to see beyond the temporary wealth and riches that are offered to us in this material world. Our true focus should be on achieving eternal life in Heaven by living an honest, moral and christian life on this earth. 

The farmer in our fictional story failed to see the value of what he truly had. What we truly have is an invitation to move beyond the temporary materialism we know in this world and instead embrace the true covenant that Jesus brings to us; an invitation to share an eternity with him in Heaven.
