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Veteran's Day Prayer

On this Veterans Day, let us remember all those men and women who gave selflessly of their lives to protect and defend our freedoms. Thank you for your service.

Veteran's Day Prayer

God of compassion,
God of dignity and strength,
Watch over the veterans of the United States
In recognition of their loyal service to our nation.
Bless them with wholeness and love.
Shelter them.
Heal their wounds,
Comfort their hearts.
Grant them peace.

God of justice and truth,
Rock of our lives,
Bless our veterans,
These men and women of courage and valor,
With a deep and abiding understanding
Of our profound gratitude.
Protect them and their families from loneliness and want.
Grant them lives of joy and bounty.
May their dedication and honor
Be remembered as a blessing
From generation to generation.

Blessed are You,
Protector and Redeemer,
Our Shield and our Stronghold.

Taken from a blog you might be interested in called "A Concord Pastor Comments".

Deacon Greg Beckel
