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A Season of Hope and Waiting

I just returned to college after a great Thanksgiving break at home.  I was able to spend time with friends and family, catch up with some of my Christ the King family, enjoy some home cooking, and serve a few Masses.  It was so great to be back!  I now have just 10 days left until I return home for a month of Christmas break!  But, during those 10 days, there’s a lot to do—classes, homework, studying for exams, packing (perhaps my least favorite), two nights of RA duty, and a floor program and meeting to run.  This next week and a half is a period of waiting and anticipation to go home, just like Advent.

Advent is a season of hope and waiting.  We await with hope the birth of our Savior on Christmas, as well as His second coming.  In order to prepare ourselves, we have to “Ready the Way.”  One of these ways is the way to our hearts.  I like to prepare my heart through Daily Mass, prayer, and most especially, the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  It truly helps me to understand the true meaning of Christmas, by allowing Christ to enter my heart entirely—without sin in the way!

This is a busy time of year for all, final exams or not, with Christmas shopping, cooking, working extra hours, etc.  Taking five minutes (or more!) each day for prayer is so worth it.  Making the time on Saturday afternoon (or an appointment) for Reconciliation can be difficult to do, but it’s worth it.  I find that every time I go, I am welcomed with open arms!

It’s our responsibility to prepare ourselves both physically and spiritually for the great feast of Christmas.  I pray that you get the chance to do so this Advent.

Now, off to go study!

Chris Hughes
