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Not that Amazon

Amazon is an amazing internet site.  You can buy just about anything there.  Recently I had the good fortune of visiting the "original" Amazon as in the river in South America.  I went on a cruise with some friends so I slept in air conditioned comfort but we did venture out in smaller boats and canoes for an up close and personal look at fascinating wild life and scenery.  For one thing, I had never seen pink dolphins before.  What is  amazing is that there are virtually no roads along the river.  Everyone travels by boat.  They have small boats that hold about 75 people and the top deck has hammocks hanging from the ceiling.  The average trip takes two days and one night and during the night you sleep in the hammock. Not very comfortable if you ask me!  It is great to travel but always great to be back home and back into the rhythm of  parish life.  No more pink dolphins just one pink candle in our advent wreath!

Monsignor Daniel F. Hoye
