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A Penny for Your Thoughts

I remember when I was a little kid, every now and then my mom would look at me and say, "A penny for your thoughts." I remember times when she said that to me when I was looking out the window and watching the snow falling or when it seemed I was in my own little world and staring into space.
At times I would be so entranced with watching the snow fall that it seemed like that I was rising in an invisible elevator, I guess I was mesmerized by the action of the snow falling outside and me being nice and warm inside.

I would ask her questions, like, "Is it true there are no two snowflakes alike?  or Are all raindrops the same size?  Why is snow white and when raindrops are falling and the sun is in the right spot we see a rainbow of colors?  Why isn't the snow just as colorful? Mom would not have the answers but would say that some day I just might learn the answers.  She would encourage me to think about different things so that one day I would understand what the world is like. So as time has gone by and lots of travel and study, I've come to the conclusion that there are two worlds, the world as it is, and the world as it should be.

I keep on discovering that there is more than black and white or even grey areas.  I found that when placing God in the picture and think about it, the rainbow appears.  It may not be up to my expectations but I can accept "What is, is".  Not everything is under my control and that is good because I am now able to detach from my control issues and give them over to the God who created me in His image and likeness and gave me a world of wonder to discover and say thank you.  The world is awesome and the people in it are as well.  Look around, see, wonder, and let the mystery unfold around you.  Thank God for all that you have and for all that you don't have.

Deacon R.D. Lemay  
