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Monsignor ~ Deacon Brendan Brides

Did you know that there is more than one form of Monsignor? There's even more than two forms - there are three grades. Prior to 1968 there were fourteen but Pope Paul VI reduced it to three.

The title of "Monsignor" (translated from french into: my lord) is a title of distinction given by the Pope to certain priests as part of a papal honor recognizing the priest's service to the Church.

The first grade is known as Chaplain to His Holiness. This honor can be conferred on priests inside or outside of the Roman Curia. Originally a Chaplain to His Holiness had to give up his title upon the death of the Pope who conferred the title. That no longer is the case. An example of this form of monsignor would be the Rev. Msgr. Gerard O'Connor, pastor of Saint Francis Xavier in Acushnet.

The second grade of monsignor is the Prelate of Honor to His Holiness. This grade was historically associated with the chamberlain of the papal court and today can also be conferred to priests outside the papal court. A Prelate of Honor to His Holiness, during liturgies, wears a bishop's choir cassock, which is fuchsia in color with red buttons piping and cuffs and a fuchsia sash. Examples of this grade would be the Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, pastor at Christ The King, the Rev. Msgr. Ronald Tosti (retired) and the Rev. Msgr. Stephen Avila, pastor at Saint Anthony in Falmouth.

Then comes the Protonotary Apostolic (PA) which is conferred predominately on priests who serve on seven specific positions in the Roman Curia. Aside from these seven, the honor of Protonotary Apostolic can be conferred on priests outside the Roman Curia. A Protonotary Apostolic wears a black cassock with red buttons and piping along with a fuchsia sash. A fuchsia cape can also be worn on special occasions. There are only two Protonotary Apostolic in the diocese of Fall River and they are the Rev. Msgr. Henry T. Monroe P.A. (retired) and the Rev. Msgr. John J. Olivera P.A. pastor at Saint Marys of New Bedford and director of the Permanent Diaconate for Fall River.

Of late, Pope Francis has declared that the title of Monsignor can only be conferred on priests over the age of sixty five and then only to the first grade as Chaplin to His Holiness. An exception would be made for priests working within the Vatican.
