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Lent for Dummies

I googled "lent" and was surprised to see that there is "Lent for Dummies".  I guess this is an online version of the popular series "for dummies".  What I found was that the author was really the dummy.  He only focused on the penitential part of lent and even then he was wrong when he said that all the Fridays of lent are fasting days. Not so.  They are days of abstaining from meat.  Only Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days when you fast by eating one main meatless meal and two lesser ones.  And when you begin your 60th year you are not required to do even that.  How I wished the author talked not only "taking away" during Lent but also about "adding on".  We should "add on" to our spiritual life during Lent  by prayer, maybe daily mass if that is possible.  We should "add on" by reaching out and caring for others.  I just read a blog that suggested a lenten practice for today as asking someone how they are doing and really meaning it!  That may be basic but it sure isn't for dummies!

Monsignor Hoye
