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No Doom

Today's readings remind us that we are not doomed, although many of us struggling with ice dams and never-ending, sharp-pointed  icicles might think otherwise.

After the flood, the God says to Noah not to worry.   "...never again shall all bodily creatures be destroyed by the waters of a flood...I will recall the covenant I have made between me and you..."  In the psalm we hear: "...Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who keep your covenant."

In our second reading from St. Peter he tells us about baptism that saves us through water.  He tells us that Christ leads us to God.

Then, in our Gospel reading from Mark we hear that "...the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel."  So, repent (meaning: remember that we have a covenant with God and we must keep it) and believe (meaning: the good news is the gospel, not "hot off the press," but far better and uplifting than what we will ever read in the newspapers - or on-line).
