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Are You For Me?

There’s a line in the Bible that has had far-reaching effects throughout history.    It’s attributed to Jesus, and one would think whatever he had to say are words to live by today and always – that we count on him to set us on the right path all in the interest of bringing the Kingdom of God to Earth.  Well…….perhaps not.  

The line to which I refer is in today’s Gospel according to Luke (11:14-23):  “…Whoever is not with me is against me…”  Mark (9:40) says it a little differently: “…For whoever is not against us is for us…”  Whatever. 

Too many people – and perhaps nations, including the USA, have taken this stance attributed to Jesus as a rallying call and ultimatum.   It’s black or white, right or wrong with no in-between.  And, that’s unfortunate because there are so many legitimate and sensible in-betweens in life.

Consider President George W. Bush’s address to a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2001.  He said: "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."  Perhaps he can be forgiven for that outlandish statement because of September 11.  However, he was our President, and he and his advisors should have known better. 

In the climax of the film Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Darth Vader says to Obi-Wan "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy." Obi-Wan responds, "Only a Sith deals in absolutes.”  And that’s the point.   Absolutes lock a person into a position, provide no wiggle-room, and lead to hard hearts and conflicts.

Today’s world requires compromise and respect for the other person’s or group’s position or opinion.   To do otherwise is arrogance.   We all know Jesus’ opinion about arrogance.   Thumbs down!!

Also, consider Sirach 10:7-8 who says: “Odious to the LORD and to men is arrogance, and the sin of oppression they both hate.  Dominion is transferred from one people to another because of the violence of the arrogant.”

Perhaps it’s best to say, “Whoever is not with me must know something I don’t.”

Deacon David Pierce
