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First Communion: 12 Years Later

On Sunday, I had the privilege of serving as the Master of Ceremonies at our First Communion here at Christ the King.  As I watched the young children receive the Eucharist for the first time, I was moved beyond words.  The smile on their faces, as they approached Monsignor Hoye, hit me.  Two things came to my mind: my own First Communion and the great gift of the Eucharist.

Twelve years ago, on a beautiful, fall morning (First Communion was held in September at that time), I received the Eucharist for the first time.  I can still remember how excited I was, both before and during Mass.  All of my life, I had always been fascinated by my own parents receiving Communion, so this was momentous for me.  Being the oldest of three, I felt like it was a privilege that only “big kids and adults” could take part in.  I will never forget Fr. Larry Jerge, (standing much taller than me!) saying, “Christopher, The Body of Christ.”  My response was Amen, and after making the Sign of the Cross, I went back to my pew to pray.  Many photos were taken before and after, like the one to the right with my parents, who have instilled my Catholic faith in me since day one.  I remember the party afterward, which was accompanied by the viewing of a Patriots vs. Redskins game, but the highlight of that day was receiving Communion for the first time.

At Sunday’s Mass, I felt as if I relived the memory, the beauty, and excitement of my own First Communion.  We should have that excitement and that smile on our face every time that we receive the Eucharist!  Through the Eucharist, we receive the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  For many, Communion can be a routine action.  However, I challenge each of you (myself included) to recall that great sacrifice Jesus made for us, and thank Him for that.  Thank Him for the great gift of the Eucharist, and how it is so fundamental, beautiful, and fruitful in our lives.

Congratulations to the 48 young boys and girls on their First Communion.  May all of us continue to hear the call to come to the table of the Lord!

Chris Hughes
