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Calming Stormy Seas

I’ve taken a few cruises in my time, and sometimes it gets very rough.  I recall being somewhere in South America – I don’t know which area – and we had a very severe storm.  All the dishes that were set for the next meal had gone on the floor, and they were sweeping them up.  That’s a large ship; I can’t imagine what it would be like for the Apostles in the Gospel today who were on a very small boat that was being tossed about by the waves.

It’s an image that lots of spiritual writers use about being tossed about in the ship of life.  The key thing is to recognize that Jesus is still with us (in this case He was asleep), but he’s there.  He’s there to guard us and protect us.  Whatever storm you might be going through at this point in your life, know that the Lord is with us.

Monsignor Daniel Hoye
