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Celebrating Catholic Education

Today, I am heading to Quincy to work at a Conference for Catholic School Administrators.  Partners in Mission, a consulting firm providing Advancement and Enrollment Management services for Catholic Schools annually presents The National Advancement Summer Institute for Catholic Schools.  This year, roughly 350 people from all over the world are attending!

Each night, there is something fun planned, such as a harbor cruise and a Red Sox game.  For years, my siblings and I would spend the night in Boston and go to the Red Sox with my Dad – who is a presenter at the Conference annually.  Over a year ago, I was asked by Partners in Mission to become part of the Conference Services Team as the “AV Coordinator.”  Basically, I’ll make sure that the conference runs smoothly from a technology standpoint, and assist presenters in setting up.  I also take care of the social media and serve as the official Conference Photographer.  At the end of the week, I sort through hundreds of photos taken by conference attendees and myself, to make a “Conference Video.”

Last year, I was blown away by the passion so many people had for Catholic Schools.  It makes me grateful for the gift of Catholic Education in my life; it certainly has helped shape me to be who I am today.

I ask for your prayers as the Conference begins Sunday afternoon.  Mass is part of the schedule; know that I will pray for all of you in return this week.  You can follow the Conference by clicking here.

Thank you to all who support Catholic Education!

Chris Hughes
