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Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul

Today the Church invites us to honor Peter and Paul, both on the same day.  The two are quite different; Peter, apparently uneducated, but a strong leader – one who denied Christ and yet was reconciled.  On the other hand, we have Paul, a very well educated Pharisee, who in the early days would persecute the Church, but eventually became one of its prime movers with the Gentiles.  Peter with the Jews; Paul with the Gentiles.

Some writers say that we should recognize that the two of them had different gifts.  They didn’t try to become like each other – they were unique and developed their own talents.  Maybe that’s what we need to do on their Feast, not looking at somebody else that we want to be like or to imitate, but to recognize the grace that God has given us to develop those talents and gifts in praise of the Lord.

Monsignor Daniel Hoye
