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The Poor Widow

"He sat down opposite the treasury and observed how the crowd put money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow also came and put in two small coins worth a few cents. Calling his disciples to himself, he said to them, “Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.” (Mt 12: 41-44)

That is part of the reading from today’s Gospel (June 6). It brought to mind a mission trip I took to Honduras in 1997 with several members of the Corpus Christi Parish. It was always my dream when I was growing up to be a missionary, to help people in other countries, and hopefully to make a difference in poor countries. God had other plans for me so I never got to fulfill that dream, that is, until that trip to Mission Honduras. We had a carry-on bag that we fit all of our personal belongings into and two heavy suit cases (mine weighted 60lbs. each) that had religious articles, hygiene supplies, sheets and towels, Spanish books, shoes, clothing and you name it - everything that we could leave with them that might be useful. Our purpose was to help wherever we were needed. We arrived to the smiling, laughing faces of about 30 young girls, sixth grade and below. We stayed in a couple of abandoned buildings that we had to fix up before we could sleep there. They were truly poor, and yet, you would hear them wake up about 5:00 AM laughing, playing and singing away. They always had a smile on their face and seemed genuinely happy.

There is more on how our days went in an article that I wrote about the trip but there is one paragraph I want to include here that reminded me so much of today’ reading.

“I was truly inspired by the mission to Honduras.  I sort of had an idea of how poor it might be so the conditions did not really affect me right away.  What really struck me, however, was a side-trip we took to the Mayan ruins in Copan on our second weekend.  We stayed in a luxurious hotel (at least by Honduran standards), were able to have fantastic meals for a very reasonable price, and of course bought all kinds of souvenirs.  It was very nice to live in the lap of luxury again.  Then we went to a Mass at the local Church.  It was the typical, very joyous, packed Church with everything sung (including the Our Father to the melody “Sounds of Silence”).
There in front of me was a little old women, about 4’ 8”, so frail you could almost see through her hands, no shoes, and in her obvious best dress which had about 20 patches and several other torn holes.  I was moved.  Then at the offering, she pulled out her little purse with 1 Limpera in it (about 8 cents) and she put it in the collection.  I started to cry.  It was obvious she was giving all she had.  We are so lucky.  And yet, what I remember most are all the children’s smiles and laughter. Jesus said, ‘Blessed are the poor in poor spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.’ And I wonder, who are the lucky ones, who are the blessed ones.”

Deacon Greg Beckel
