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Confronting Evil

Sometimes when you watch a drama series on TV, I don’t know about you, but I get frustrated when I discover that the story is only half told – it’s going to be continued next week.  Then if you tune in next week, it will say previously, and it might give you a little summary.

Well that’s what we need as we are reading Matthew’s Gospel this week.  We need to remember what happened previously.  Jesus had calmed the storm, and the disciples said, “Who is this person, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”  Well according to the commentators, Matthew partially answers the question “Who is he?” in the story that we hear today.  He casts out demons, puts them into the swine, and they’re destroyed.  The answer is, “Who is this man? He has power, even over evil.”

We need to hear that as we might confront the evil in our own lives or the evil in the world.  Who is this person?  He has power, even over the evil one.

Monsignor Daniel Hoye
