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Quiet Place?

The disciples had just returned from a mission of faith experience and Jesus, after listening to their stories, said to them, "come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest awhile." In other words, take a vacation.  Sound familiar?  There are a number of us here who are on vacation from whatever we do for a living, but, in this day and age, it seems like we need to be connected.  Our cell phones are constantly keeping us in touch with our work, our families, our friends and the peace and quiet we really need evades us and keeps us on edge.

I'd like to tell you a story that a Franciscan pries by the name of Albert Haase relates.  The story is about a man who is a music lover.  One day the man is given a ticket to a symphony.  The ticket is for the best seat in the house.  It is "The Spot" where the sound puts the individual in the center of the best music the ear can hear.

The man goes to the theatre, he arrives early and finds a real good parking spot that is easily accessible.  He goes into the theatre, he presents his ticket to the usher.  The usher looks at the ticket and exclaims,  "This is the best seat in the house, follow me."  The usher then escorts him to "THE" seat.  After a little while, the lights dim and the music begins.  Oooh! how beautiful the sounds.  The instruments seem to meld the music into an ecstasy of delight.  The man is taken away by the experience, when all of a sudden, he remembers that he left his keys the car and locked the doors.  The music continues in its awesomeness, but, the man is now thinking about how he is going to get into his car.  He beats himself up, thinking how could he be so stupid?  The music continues to play, but now his mind is in the parking lot trying to solve his problem.  The music goes on and he misses the most important part of the symphony, the part he really wanted to hear.

 I think this story describes what many of us go through on any given day, however, today is Sunday and we are all here in a church, a seemingly quiet place to celebrate to word of God and enjoy the presence of Christ among us, especially in the Eucharist.
The symphony begins, we have music, we have singing, we have babies crying, we have children fussing and people whispering to one another, and oh yes, now and then we hear a cell phone ring.
We are here to enjoy the presence of Christ right here and right "NOW".  Keep in mind we are all part of the Body of Christ.

After Mass we are sent, just like the apostles, to go in the peace of Christ, glorifying God by what we say and do.  We are to bring the word of God with us and to share our experience. 

Yes,we need to rest awhile and enjoy our vacations, however, if by chance you have some quiet time to read this Summer.  I would strongly recommend reading, "The Joy of the Gospel," or the latest encyclical by Pope Francis, "Laudato Si'" On Care of Our Common Home".  This may be a way to discover that the Good Shepherd is alive and well and active in our lives, and, He leads the symphony.

All we need to do is listen, and to stay focused.
             Deacon  R. D. Lemay
