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Saint Martha

Today we celebrate the Memorial of Saint Martha.  I think that we can relate to Martha very well, and should strive to be more like her.  Saint Martha is the patron saint of cooks – who knew?

In John’s Gospel we hear “Jesus loved Martha and Mary and Lazarus.”  We can fill in that statement too with our own names – Jesus loves us, too.  There are times that we feel alone, in the darkness, or troubled; however we must remember that Jesus loves us unconditionally!

In turn, Martha loved Jesus very much and welcomed Jesus into her home.  We too, have to love Jesus and “welcome” him into our homes.  To “welcome” him, we can make prayer a part of our lives – as a family if possible.  Gathering for prayer daily, praying before meals, attending Mass together, or simply not being afraid to discuss faith in our own homes.

Lastly, Martha’s unwavering faith in the resurrection following her brother’s death is a reminder for all of us.  Martha was human and was in our shoes when her brother Lazarus died – sharing our grief so to speak.  We too have to believe in the resurrection and believe that He will raise us up on the Last Day.

Saint Martha, pray for us!

Chris Hughes
