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We Walk By Faith

The other night at dinner, my family and I were reminiscing about years past.  My mother was telling each of us stories from when we were very young – lots of laughs were shared!  It is hard to believe how fast time flies.  My younger brother is now heading off to college in another month or so.  My “baby” sister turns 16 next week and will soon be driving.  It seems like yesterday that I was almost 4 years old and visiting her in the hospital the day she was born.  Now, I am getting ready to turn 20.  Time flies!

In less than a month, I will be moving back to Maine to begin RA Training and my junior year at Saint Joseph’s College.  I just received my RA Contract and paperwork in the mail, meaning that another year is just around the corner.

Many things occur and change over the years.  Loved ones pass away, friends move out of town, and household pets have come and gone.  However, one thing that has grounded both my family and myself is FAITH.  It is amazing to look back on one’s past experiences and reflect on God’s presence in situations we have faced.

One of my favorite hymns is “We Walk By Faith.”  The hymn is based on 2 Corinthians 5:7, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”  No matter what blinds us (stress, sin, death, natural disaster, illness, failed relationships), we can always get through with faith.  While at times it seems impossible, it’s not.

Dig deep, hold on, and keep on walking.

Chris Hughes
