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Lets Have a Party

Refer to Sunday Reading

Do you remember when you received your "First Holy Communion"?  I remember how all my relatives and our neighbors had something to say to me or gave me a special gift.  Most of all I remember the anticipation of receiving the precious body of Christ.  There was an excitement that was shared by my school mates, the nuns who taught us and it seemed like everyone was happy for me and felt a real joy.  At dinner that day, my mom made a bread pudding with raisins and cinnamon.  NOW that was a party, in one day I had received two kinds of soul food.  Two kinds of bread.

Today we are reminded how important bread is.  Bread is life sustaining.  We need it to remain physically well, but, today we are hearing how Jesus the Christ gives himself to us as the bread of life, not just physical, but spiritual.  Our physical body may die, but our spirit lives on for eternal life
Today we are invited to a party, a banquet, a spiritual banquet to be shared with everyone.
How do we share this meal?  We need to share it by believing what we receive is truly our lord Jesus the Christ.  We hear His word, we leave the church, we go to breakfast and we share the word of God and the joy of receiving the body of Christ.  Right?  Rrrright..How may of us really do this?  how many of us really believe we are receiving and welcoming the real body and blood of Christ into what St. Paul refers to us as being temples of the Holy Spirit.  He also calls us a dwelling place of God.  This is what we can talk about at breakfast or lunch.  This is one way we can share the joy of knowing who we are and may come to realize that our deepest being is LOVE.  This is how we become what we eat.  By what we say and what we do.  When we allow it, the celebration, the party continues throughout our lives and according to the book of wisdom...even beyond.    Now that is soul food and that is why it is called HOLY COMMUNION.
Continue to grow in His Love, Peace and Joy

Deacon R. D. Lemay    
