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The Call Of Nathaniel

“You got to be kidding me. Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Talk about prejudging, let alone being prejudice about a faction of people, namely anyone who comes from Nazareth. That is the first response of Nathaniel, also known as Bartholomew in the synoptic Gospels of Mathew, Mark, and Luke, when Philip tells Nathaniel that they had found the one the prophets had talked about – Jesus.

Today we celebrate the feast day of Nathaniel/Bartholomew. Nathaniel, like all of us, receives the “call” to come and follow Jesus. In Baptism we are all called but we may not always understand what that means until later in life when the power of the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. I thought I was called to the priesthood when I was young. I loved reading about the saints, especially the missionaries, the ones who went and spread the word of God to many distant places. I also liked the idea of helping those people to a better life. Alas, God had other plans for me, like being married and having a family (and grandchildren) for which I am truly grateful. I was called to spread the word of God to my family first, and only later in life to others by becoming a deacon.

Nathaniel doubted his call at first but does not totally reject the idea. He goes to see Jesus. Before he can even say a word, Jesus tells Nathaniel that he is a true Israelite. “There is no false bone in his body.” That makes me think of my grandson, whose name happens to be Nathaniel. He is five and tells it like it is. Only truth comes out of his mouth, although I have to say he has been more sly lately. I guess he is growing up. If we all had the innocence of a child.

Nathaniel’s doubts leads to conversion. There are many times when I have doubts and don’t have faith the size of a mustard seed. It’s at those times that I think of the father in the Gospel who’s son has an evil spirit in him. The father asks Jesus “if” he could do anything to help him. Jesus’ response is, “If you can? Everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father said “I do believe; help me overcome my doubts.” I think we all have doubts at times, but we have to be always open to Jesus entering into our lives just as Nathaniel did when he was called. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

Deacon Greg Beckel
