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Giving Thanks on the Feast of Christ the King

On Sunday, November 22, we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King, the namesake for our parish. Our parish was formed 31 years ago in 1984 on this feast day and our Church was dedicated five years later on this date in 1989. It is appropriate that Thanksgiving is also celebrated during the same week since we have much to be thankful for. Our parish is vibrant and alive! Just look at all the ministries we have and the number of people that participate in them.

I recently replaced Deacon Lemay as the Spiritual Director of the St. Vincent DePaul Society. I was amazed with the number of volunteers who were members; over 280people serving in the Food Pantry and Thrift Shop. I know some churches in Falmouth that don’t have that many in their entire congregation. What a blessing!

At the risk of leaving someone out, here are a few ministries that are active in our parish: Catholic Women’s Club, Knights of Columbus, Respect Life Ministry, Faith Formation Teachers and Mentors, 50+ Club, Library Volunteers, Lectors, Ushers, Eucharistic Minister, Altar Servers, Music Ministry for all Masses, Altar Society, Adoration Society, Parish Nurses, Bereavement Support Group, Third Order Carmelites, Walking with Purpose, Youth Ministry, Mission Appalachia 2016 (We Do Feet),
and a couple of Bible Study groups. Quite amazing! And I know there are other ministries and functions that I have missed.

Each year on the Feast of Christ the King we invite all who volunteer to a Pastor’s Appreciation Night. Associated with that, there are a series of awards given out for going above and beyond with their service to the Church and community. Invariably, it is a very difficult decision who will receive the awards because there are so many worthy recipients. Let it be said, we thank all who actively participate in the various ministries. We are truly a blessed community following what Jesus commanded us to do, “To love another as I have loved you.”

Deacon Greg Beckel
