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Preparing During Advent

Like most colleges, we are in the “home stretch” here at Saint Joseph’s College.  This coming week is the final week of classes, and final exams begin next Monday.  It is a very stressful time for many, with so many deadlines to be met.

This past Friday night, I took a van of students from school to the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Portland for the “Hour of Power.”  Every First Friday of the month, the Diocese of Portland’s young adult ministry puts on the “Hour of Power,” which is some time set aside for Eucharistic Adoration and Reconciliation.  This month, Bishop Robert Deeley, the Bishop of Maine, was the celebrant.

It was very moving to see so many young (and not so young) people gather together.  Bishop Deeley led us as we prayed Vespers together.  Following Vespers, there was time for quiet prayer.  The silence I spent with the Lord among the busyness of final exams and the commercialism of the Christmas Season was so peaceful.  So often, people forget that Advent is a season of preparation – never mind the shopping, but the spiritual preparation.  We have to make room in our hearts for Jesus whose birth we celebrate in just a few weeks.

Many of us got in line to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which was also very moving.  That is a way that we can prepare ourselves this Advent, as it is a penitential season.  On Tuesday, the Year of Mercy begins.  What better way to receive the Lord’s mercy?

No matter how long it has been, come and receive the Lord’s mercy.  There is no judging, and our sins remain a secret.  Even better, there is no cost!

Take a break from all of the shopping and gift wrapping to enjoy Advent as we prepare the way of the Lord.

Chris Hughes
