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Stable Influence

Yesterday was the Epiphany of the Lord.    A cartoon in the December 23 issue of the Cape Cod Times is a perfect follow-up to our seeing the star in the sky and traveling to whom it reveals.

That the world needs a "stable" influence is obvious.   Hatred and fear seem everywhere throughout our globe and not just in the Middle East.

There will never be easy solutions when too many people or groups benefit from fear mongering and promoting hatred and suspicion of others.  This is the norm, or so it seems.

We tend to forget the vast, overwhelming majority of people around the world want peace, but there are governments that don't benefit from peace - so there is none. 

For those of us who put our faith in Christ, we hope others will share our conviction that God is with us and goodness eventually will prevail.  The star shall lead us.

Deacon David Pierce
