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Last month I celebrated my 70th birthday.  As my grandmother would say, I am now in my 71st year.  Wow!!

For decades our diocese has allowed any priest who has reached 70 to retire.  It is not mandatory to submit a letter of retirement until you reach 75 but my letter went in last month.  I have not heard back from the bishop but I expect him to accept my request as well as my offer to stay on until the Spring assignments.

I won't be retiring from priesthood per se but from administration.  So no more concerns about money or leaks or personnel issues.  No more meetings.   It can snow all it wants and it will be of no concern of mine!

I intend to help out part time in another parish and to spend part of the winter months in warmer climates!  There will be more time to read and relax and, I hope, more time to pray.

Folks are asking me what kind of "farewells" we will have.  If it was up to me, I would just "go quietly into the night" but I sense some celebration will happen in June.

It is another phase in my life and I am looking forward to it.  Please keep me in your prayers.

Monsignor Hoye
