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Wolves' Wisdom

The other deacons and I are supposed to be Christ’s shepherds helping our priests and parishioners identify the wolves in our lives and how to avoid them.  And there are many wolves often hidden in sheep’s clothing –wolves of prejudice, racism, hatred, hardened-hearts, even ambivalence.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t defend wolves that have gotten a bad rap due to stories like Little Red Riding Hood and Werewolf folklore.  In one book called “The Wisdom of Wolves” there is a photo of two wolves with one snarling at the other.  The legend for the photo was from Plato and read: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” This Lent and certainly throughout the year we all fight hard battles of one sort or another.

Let’s reflect on our obligations as followers of Jesus Christ who listen and not just follow.  Unfortunately, we sometimes focus on Church dogma and doctrine without enough attention being paid to Jesus himself.

And, that can be tragic especially when our children miss the mark because we aim them in the wrong direction, emphasize the wrong things, or mistakenly teach them to understand the bible literally.  Our mark or bulls-eye is Jesus.

So, let’s shoot for the target and simple recall the wolves’ wisdom.    This Lent let’s be kind because we know everyone we meet is fighting a hard battle.

Deacon David Pierce
